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Development of the mangrove wild silk
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1 March 2022
Development of the mangrove wild silk sector in Boanamary: the association Femmes Entrepreneurs Environnement Mahajanga (FEEM) is one of the promoters of projects financed by Tany Meva through the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) and works on mangrove conservation, with an extension focused on the exploitation of wild silkworm. Among their activities, the creation of […]" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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2.2 billion Ariary of funding
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26 January 2022
2.2 billion Ariary of funding 2.2 billion Ariary. This is the total amount of funding that the Tany Meva Foundation has just granted to seven promoters of development projects located in different regions of Madagascar, at the beginning of the year 2022. NGOs, associations, companies, these organizations will implement various projects in the fields of […]" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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21 January 2022
A COMMUNICATION OFFICER A DOCUMENT ARCHIVIST Tany Meva is a community-based environmental foundation whose mission is to mobilize and manage resources and make grants to support community initiatives and/or finance economic, social and environmental development actions (aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, Agenda 2030). As part of the development of its activities, Tany Meva launches […]" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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IUCN World Conservation Congress
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9 August 2021
Views on the importance of the IUCN Congress for nature conservation.…" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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Nomination of the new Board of Directors of the Tany Meva Foundation.
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We have the honor to inform you of the nomination of the new Board of Directors of the Tany Meva Foundation.President : Mrs Patricia RajeriarisonVice-president : Mr HonoréTreasurer: Mrs. Tiana RamparanyWe thank the good and loyal services of Mr Joelison Ratsirarson, former PCA." class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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Notice to project leaders
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18 April 2021
Notice to project leaders interested in the call for projects, Tany Meva Fund 2021-2022. Tany Meva informs you that the information sessions indicated in article 10 of the Terms of Reference of the call will be held by videoconference on : Thursday 22 April 2021 at 9 a.m. To participate, we invite you to fill […]" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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Community ecotourism
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12 April 2021
In order to enhance the richness of the biodiversity of the Bobaomby complex in the DIANA region and to motivate the local communities to preserve this ecosystem, the Tany Meva Foundation, through the CEPF fund, is financing the establishment of an ecotourism site in the village of Anjiabe. The NGO BNC, promoter of this project, […]" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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TANY MEVA, a financing institution, recognised as a public utility for sustainable development, has the mission of mobilising and managing financial resources. It supports initiatives within the four themes of its fourth strategic plan, which focuses on sustainable development. TANY MEVA launches the present call for projects which is focused in the four (04) […]" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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Equitable’ use of natural resources
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6 April 2021
The population of Anjiabe, a village in the heart of the Bobaomby forest, in Diana region, earns their living by the regulated production of charcoal from jujube trees. The alignment of the community needs with conservation activities impelled the Fondation Tany Meva to finance the project implemented by the NGO MAVOA. The project concerns the […]" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus">">
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Exhibition on Corporate Social Responsibility
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The first edition of the Corporate Social Responsibility Fair was held on Tuesday 23 March 2021 in Antsirabe. The Tany Meva Foundation and its partner, the Missouri Botanical Garden, participated in this event and presented the project “Building the harmonious landscape of Ibity with the commitment of multi-sector partners” in the framework of the Partnership […]" class="primary-btn">En savoir plus